What is this "DownSizing"
really about ?
We have come to a time in history when we cannot thrive without overall changes in all aspects of our lives.
Some people in our modern age are born thoughtful, philosophical and naturally frugal... but for the rest of us, simplicity is a learned trait.
We're here to address these areas of your life that are, as the many teachers say....."out of balance" and make rapid corrections instead of thinking there is plenty of time left to "wake up". The busted investors of Bernie Madoff can afford psychiatric therapy for their shock, but we are going to have to learn to help each other through the massive shifts that are happening in all sectors of our world.
It's really true that our unconscious early programming has kept us chained and now, because of the world-wide crisis bearing down, creativity and "unlimited potential" are not going to translate into the big bucks we were used to during the past 40 years. We will have to learn to enjoy a more simple life, but not lose our joy in the process.
Let's get used to talking about things we didn't want to hear but that will help us thrive during these crazy times.
Let's find keys to rapid change so we can get healthy, brave, honest and clear -minded quickly.
Let's find an easy way to vanquish stress and fears that have held you stuck in place. Talking about our problems is only the first step. Resolving them demands taking action.
Let's be realistic about what it really means to "access your creative powers" so you can "attract everything you want". There are basic laws of energy and they are real... and they are fairly simple... but you have to let the information IN, if you want to become a new person. The key is to want to do the work and want to look at yourself and want to act differently.
So, let's develop new internal programming and behavior patterns that will let you grin at your old self, set goals and reach them. FAST!
It's up to you.